The Facts of Oral Hygiene: Fluoride

Do you feel like your oral health care is not as effective as it could be? Luckily, there are plenty of treatments available to increase your intake of fluoride should you feel the need to up your dosage in hopes of better oral health care. Within toothpaste and mouthwash, fluoride is frequently added to enhance the effects of the product... read more »

The Best Smiles are Possible with Tooth Extractions

To make sure a person’s mouth remains healthy, there are times teeth need to be extracted, either because they have failed or they pose a risk to other neighboring teeth. When a tooth needs to be taken out, it is important for a patient to prepare for treatments before and after the extraction. The best smiles are still possible with... read more »

Are You Looking to Repair a Damaged Tooth?

Have you ever considered the benefits that tooth restoration treatments can do for your smile? Not only are most restorations designed to improve the look of your smile, some can even repair its function. No matter which tooth restoration you choose, make sure to weigh the benefits of each and assess it next to what your smile needs to thrive.... read more »

Did You Know That Genetics Can Impact Your Teeth?

Would you be surprised to hear that there are several things you’ll have to do if you’d like to enjoy a healthy smile? For example, you may have been told that brushing and flossing are very important, but did you know that your genetic predisposition can also impact your oral health? In other words, regardless of the care you give your... read more »

Can Chewing Gum Keep Your Mouth Healthy?

Can chewing gum keep your mouth healthy? According to many studies that have been done, chewing sugarless gum for roughly 20 minutes after eating can help strengthen your tooth enamel. The reason is due to an increase in saliva production, which can rinse away plaque buildup, neutralize harmful acids, and prevent cavities. Here are a few tips to remember when... read more »

Which Drinks with Stain Your Teeth?

You’ve probably heard that there are a number of steps you’ll need to try if you’re interested in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. However, would you be surprised to learn that drinking some of your favorite beverages could cause a few dental issues? For example, did you know that drinking alcohol might affect your teeth and gums? In fact,... read more »

Frequently Asked Questions About Veneers and Crowns

Although dental veneers and crowns are both wonderful services to improve your smile, deciding which one will be best for your tooth restoration needs shouldn’t be an easy decision. Listed below are some frequently asked questions about veneers and crowns. Question: What are the benefits of dental veneers? - Dental veneers can restore your smile and present the world with... read more »

CEREC® Dental Crowns Can Be Designed and Placed in a Single Day

CEREC® dental crowns use state-of-the-art computer technology to take your dental impression of an ailing tooth and with the help of our team at Family & Implant Dentistry, design, mill, and place your crown all in the period of an afternoon. The need for an often uncomfortable and ill-fitting temporary crown placement is no longer necessary. In addition, CEREC crowns... read more »

Are You Vulnerable to Cavities?

Did you know that there are people who don’t brush their teeth but still don’t get cavities? Other brush and floss their teeth regularly, but still find themselves fighting tooth decay. Sadly, some people are more vulnerable to cavities than others are, but did you know that you could be more vulnerable to tooth decay because of genetics? For example,... read more »

Cavities Can Ruin Mouths, so Prevent Them from Ever Occurring

Cavities can turn even the happiest of smiles bad. They are caused by harmful acids that eat away at our tooth enamel, causing holes to form. The best way to prevent cavities is to attack the source of the cavities. Plaque buildup consists of bacteria that accumulates over time and uses the food we eat, specifically sugar, against us. It... read more »

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