The Facts of Oral Hygiene: Fluoride

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Do you feel like your oral health care is not as effective as it could be? Luckily, there are plenty of treatments available to increase your intake of fluoride should you feel the need to up your dosage in hopes of better oral health care.

Within toothpaste and mouthwash, fluoride is frequently added to enhance the effects of the product on our oral health. Fluoride can also be found in tablet form, although it is important not to use too much. These tablets are also available as lozenges and drops. For professional fluoride treatments, you can schedule a meeting with your dentist.

In the United States, fluoride is added to the water supply. Although it can be found elsewhere, most individuals now get their daily amount through drinking water. If you need further supplementation, there are a few other areas to look for.

To learn more about which fluoride service you would prefer for treating your pearly whites, contact Family & Implant Dentistry at 785-539-5949. Come visit Dr. Josh Walker and our team at our dentist office in Manhattan, Kansas by booking an appointment at your earliest convenience. Make the change you seek in yourself today!

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