How to Celebrate a Smile-Friendly Thanksgiving

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This Thanksgiving, we encourage you to celebrate the festivities by making healthy choices for your healthy smile. Whether you are planning a family feast or traveling to connect with loved ones this Thanksgiving, at Family & Implant Dentistry in Manhattan, Kansas, Josh Walker and our team want to share some tips to help you celebrate the holidays with smile-friendly fare.

— Seek out the crudités, the cubes of cheese and bowls of nuts to stave off excess hunger. This protein fix will satisfy cravings and provide calcium for the teeth. Nuts have both calcium and minerals to remineralize your pearly whites.

— When it comes to vegetables, because of fiber, chewing raw vegetables stimulate saliva production to fight cavities while helping your stomach digest your food. Sweet potatoes with butter and salt (not covered in marshmallows) are packed with vitamins and minerals that your teeth will love.

— Turkey has protein and phosphorus for strong teeth and also rebuilds tooth enamel. Phosphorus, mixed with calcium and vitamin D works to create healthy bones and teeth.

— Nibble on fresh fruit served with plain Greek yogurt (more protein!) which benefit your teeth. Be wary of dried fruit which contains concentrated sugar that sticks to your teeth.

— Watch out for sticky, chewy desserts like pies such as pecan pie, and opt for pumpkin pie instead. Pumpkin pulp actually contains Vitamin A, fiber, and potassium, all of which is healthy for your teeth. Pumpkin seeds have magnesium as well.

— Sipping water hydrates and helps wash away food particles and plaque while black tea can kill bacteria in the mouth. Healthy green tea and milk are both good choices for your smile.

— At the end of the day and after meals, be sure to brush and floss the acid-producing sugar and starchy carbs off of your teeth to avoid cavities. If you can’t brush and floss after eating, chewing sugar-free gum will reduce the acid level in your mouth until you can clean properly.

From our family to yours, Dr. Josh Walker and all of us at Family & Implant Dentistry in Manhattan, Kansas, wish you and yours a smile-friendly Thanksgiving. 785-539-5949

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